Chocolate Mousse Cake with a Hazelnut Crust

chocolate cake
Chocolate Mousse Cake - raw - no-bake cake with a hazelnut crust

If you are a chocolate lover like me, this is the best raw no-bake cake you will ever make! It is creamy, fudge-like, a sweet taste of dark chocolate and very delicious with tea! And I will let you know my secret, it is really a foolproof recipe that everyone will succeed with!:)

So, just enjoooy!


For this cake you will need only a few ingredients and follow these easy steps to succeed with your (no) baking. 

I love this cake so much, I couldn´t hold myself away from it, it was gone within 2 days!


Please let me know what you think about the recipe when you have tried it, I love to get feedback to improve my recipes.


This chocolate mousse cake is:

  • 100% vegan
  • 100% raw
  • 100% gluten free
  • 100% refined sugar free
  • 100% delicious

Recipe in english and in german!



Chocolate Mousse Cake


Tin/mold: 18 cm




80 g Hazelnuts

70 Dates (chopped and pitted)

1 1/2 tbsp Cacao Powder



  1. Combine the ingredients for the crust in a food processor, and process until the dough sticks together when you press it between your fingers.
  2. Line a 18 cm tin with baking paper and line the tin with the dough you’ve just made. Make sure you press it really well so that it’s compacted and holds together well.
  3. Set aside.

Chocolate Mousse Cream


1 cup cashew nuts (120 g) (let them soak for at least 8 hours before using them)

100 g virgin coconut oil

70 g rice, agave or maple syrup

80 g coconut milk

4 tbsp Cacao powder (raw)

Optional: a pinch of vanilla

Some extra raw chocolate for the decoration



  1. Place all the cream ingredients in a blender and blend until very smooth, at lease 5 minutes. The smoother the better.
  2. Spread the chocolate cream on the hazelnut crust. Hit the tin a few times against the table for the bubbles in the cream to pop.
  3. Put the cake in the freezer for at least 3 hours or leave it in the fridge over night
  4. Take it out 30 minutes before enjoying it. (When you have storaged the cake in the fridge you don´t need to wait 30 minutes.)
  5. Decorate with a few tbsp melted chocolate and enjoy with tea and berries!
  6. Storage in the fridge.




Schoko-Mousse Kuchen


Form: 18 cm




80 g Haselnüsse

70 g Datteln (ohne Kern und gehackt)

1 1/2 EL Kakao Pulver (roh)



  1. Gib alle Zutaten für den Kuchenboden in den Mixer und mixe bis die Zutaten anfangen, zusammen zu kleben. 
  2. Lege ein Backpapier in eine runde Form.
  3. Drucke den Teig gleichmäßig in die Form hinein.
  4. Stell auf Seite.

Schoko Mousse Creme


1 Tasse Cashewnüsse (120 g) (Mind. 8 Stunder einweichen)

70 g Reissirup oder Agaven Sirup (Ahorn Sirup geht auch)

100 g kaltgepresstes Kokosöl

80 g Kokosmilch

4 EL Kakao (roh)

Optional: 1 Prise Vanille

Extra rohe Schokolade für die Dekoration



  1. Vermische alle Schoko-Mousse-Zutaten in einem Mixer auf hoher Geschwindigkeit bis die Masse ganz fein und glatt ist. Das dauern ca. 5 Minuten. Je länger die Masse püriert wird, desto feiner wird der Kuchen.
  2. Die Schoko-creme über den Kuchenboden gießen und die Form ein paar Mal gegen den Tisch klopfen, damit die Luftbläschen in die Creme, platzen.
  3. Stelle die Form für mind. 3 Stunden in das Gefrierfach oder über Nacht im Kühlschrank lassen.
  4. 30 Minuten vor dem Servieren auftauen lassen. (wenn du den Kuchen im Kühlschrank aufgewahrt hast, dann kannst du ihn Kuchen sofort servieren.)
  5. Mit ein Paar EL gescholzene Schokolade dekorieren und gerne mit Beeren und Tee genießen!
  6. Im Kühlschrank aufbewahren.



Hello and welcome to my blog Vegan Niinja. My name is Niina and I am a vegan mom from Sweden currently living in Austria (all recipes are also in german). I am the recipe creator, food stylist, writer and photographer for Vegan Niinja. All my recipes are made with high quality products, 100% vegan, soy and refined sugar free. Read more...



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