Chocolate Brownies made with Chickpeas

Sugar free brownies with chickpeas and chocolate
Vegan Gluten Free Chocolate Brownies

Chocolate brownies made with chickpeas! Awesome right, and I promise you these are the most rich-fudge-chocolate brownies you can make, and they are almost healthy!

  • 100% gluten free
  • 100% sugar free
  • 100% dairy free
  • 100% vegan
  • 100% chocolate heaven
  • 100% adjustable to allergy needs
  • 100% high protein
  • 100% gluten free

This recipe is so easy to make and takes only a few minutes to prepare. Your kids will love them, your neighbor, your dad, your husband and all your other (no-vegan) family members and friends! 

If you try it out, (I know you will), let me know what you think in the comments under the recipe!


(This recipe is without baking powder. ) 

Tips: You can storage the brownies in the fridge overnight to get a extra fudge!


*Note: you can double this recipe and use a large pan. If you can´t wait for the brownies, simply make some bliss balls of the dough instead of the brownies. Freeze a couple of minutes and enjoy! (that recipe with directions will come soon as well!)


Love, peace and CHOCOLATE understanding!


Recipe in English and German!



Chocolate Brownies


a small  brownie pan/tin / for about 10 people

10-15 minutes prep time & 25-30 cook time



240 g boiled chickpeas*

110 g dates (pitted and chopped)

3 tbsp peanut butter or other nut butter*

100 g of your favourite vegan chocolate (I love this raw dark chocolate)

3 tsbp raw cacao powder

2 tbsp virgin coconut oil

pinch of vanilla



(Don't preheat the oven!)

  1. Melt the chocolate in a bowl placed over a pan filled with hot water.
  2. Blend the chickpeas, nut butter and the coconut oil for some minutes in a high speed blender before adding all the other ingredients. 
  3. Add the melted chocolate and blend until smooth/well combined (for at least 5 minutes or until the mixture is very smooth.
  4. Press out the batter on a baking sheet or make some bliss balls. (NOTE: If you make bliss balls out of the batter, turn them in scredded coconut or popped amaranth and freeze them for some minutes!)
  5. Heat the oven to 180°C and let the brownies bake for about 25 minutes. (Note: if you double the recipe, heat the over to 175°C and bake for 30 minutes!) Be careful to not bake the brownies to long, then they will get to dry.
  6. Let the cake cool down before slicing it into cubes.
  7. Enjoy!

*Note: you can use butter beans and chestnut puree instead of chickpeas and instead of nut butter you can use coconut butter. It works really good and is perfect if you have some allergies.




eine rechteckige Backform ca. 21x24 cm

10-15 Minuten vorbereitungszeit & 25-30 Minuten Backzeit



240 g gekochte Kichererbsen*

110g Datteln (ohne Kern und gehackt)

3 EL Erdnussmus oder anderer Nuss-Mus*

100g dunkle vegane Schokolade (meine Favorite ist diese hier)

3 EL rohe Kakao Pulver

2 EL kalltgepresstes Kokosöl

eine Prise Vanille



(Backofen nicht vorheizen!)

  1. Die Schokolade in einem Wasserbad schmelzen lassen.
  2. Die Kichererbsen, Nuss-Mus und das Kokosöl in dem Mixer kurz pürieren, dann die andere Zutaten dazu geben.
  3. Die geschmolzene Schokolade hinzufügen und mixen bis die Masse ganz fein und Glatt ist. (ca. 5 Minuten)
  4. Teig in die mit Backpapier vorbereitete Form füllen und auspressen. 
  5. Den Backofen auf 180 Grad heizen und die Brownies auf mittlerer Schiene ca. 25 Minuten backen. (wenn du die Rezeptmenge verdobbelt hast, kannst du den Backofen auf 175 Grad heizen und die Brownies 30 Minuten backen.)
  6. Brownies herausnehmen und vollständig auskühlen lassen. In Stückchen schneiden und genießen!

*Bemerkung: du kannst die Kichererbsen mit Limabohnen und Kastanienpüree ersetzten. Und statt Nuss-Mus kannst du auch Kokos-Mus verwenden. Das Rezept kannst du sehr leicht an Allergien anpassen.





Hello and welcome to my blog Vegan Niinja. My name is Niina and I am a vegan from Sweden currently living in Austria (all recipes are also in german). I am the recipe creator, food stylist, writer and photographer for Vegan Niinja. All my recipes are easy to make and made with high quality products, 100% vegan, soy and refined sugar free. Read more...



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Comments: 4
  • #1

    Annemarie (Sunday, 10 December 2017 12:24)

    Hi Niina, thank you so much for your great recipes. Please can you tell me if the weight of the chick peas is the cooked weight? Or the dry weight? Thank you �

  • #2

    Niina (Monday, 11 December 2017 15:46)

    Happy you like it! The weight of the chickpeas is the cooked weight! Thank you for your feedback! Love, Niina

  • #3

    Annemarie (Wednesday, 13 December 2017 02:01)

    Great, thank you so much :) I can't wait to make them!

  • #4

    Niina (Wednesday, 13 December 2017 09:11)

    Looking forward to your feedack!
    Love, Niina